Thursday, February 16, 2012

The end of Greece and why it is simply impossible for the Conservative Party to lead us out of the EU. by Mail Online

12 February 2012 2:12 PM

Within the last four weeks the Germans have outrageously plotted to cunningly take over the Greek Parliament, particularly in relation to its power of expenditure.
The German plan is to create a new EU commissioner to have the power to veto budget decisions taken by the Greek government if they are not in line with targets set by international lending institutions. This is primarily to secure German banks that have been lenders to the Greek Government and to protect Germany from future bailout risks.
Last week five Greek Ministers resigned due to further conditions on pensions and wage expenditure ordered by the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank to the Greek Parliament. The new Bill as a result of orders from these institutions based outside Greece will be forced through the Greek Parliament this week.
What is immediately worrying is how one sovereign state, Germany, can use the power of the EU to plot to control and suppress another, Greece. Germany and several international institutions are forcing the Greek Government to make promises that undermine fundamental powers of its Parliament.
It is like watching a pack of lions slowly wrestle an elephant to the floor. It is a tragedy the slow and inevitable way its financial weakness has led to the death of Greece’s legislative autonomy.
That Germany thought this was a viable avenue for the EU and the fact that the EU was unable to protect Greek through its own institutional checks and balances shows us just how much risk to national autonomy there is for the pursuit of a German dominated Federal Europe.
By pursuing alternative markets, Britain can buffer itself from the financially futility of the over-regulated EU project, and complicity with the treatment of Greece through its EU membership. We are only prevented from doing so from the lack of political will from the only political machine that can logistically pull us out: the UK’s Conservative Party.
The lack of domestic political will power comes from the difficulty to realise that what was once a seductable idea of European peace through common economic interdependence, has for a long while been a contrary reality of the pursuit of the end of nation states and national representative parliaments by an ever growing EU technocracy, with an uncontrollable proliferation of powers and harmful economic regulation.
Since the Nice and Lisbon treaties nation states cannot realistically control the mandate of the EU. The beast through its growing legislative bureaucracy now takes on a life of its own by creating sub-body after sub-body.
It is crucial to note that: what is a sentence in a European Treaty will in reality end up being thousands of laws passed, increased employment of bureaucrats to execute those laws (at the expense of the British tax-payer), and new committees and quangos created by the dozen to oversee its implementation. For every single small and large growth of the EU’s powers, there is concomitant loss of legislative sovereignty by each and every member nation state.
It is our lack of political will to fight this ever self-enlarging monster that is most worrying. It is not however unpredictable. When you brainwash over two generations of school and university students that the European Union is nothing but a force of good in the world, and forget the lessons of Communism (the more alluring the ideal the greater its potential to be used for oppression and subjugation) political will to end the project will be scarce indeed.
The infiltration of the flimsy dogma of ‘evil means to pursuit good ends’, to support British membership of the EU, has managed to pervade every corner of the House of Commons. Thus it is not possible for even the Conservative Party to withdraw from the EU. The internal political paradigm of the Conservative Party does not support it.
The long clash, in the Conservative Party, between the down to earth backbenchers that closely mirror the views of their constituents, and the leadership of the party is overrated by the media. Eurosceptic back benchers will never dominate the Cabinet, the Party has a penchant for idealists who do not have the intellectual rigour to understand the limits to their views (the constant re-appointment of Ken Clarke, and the growing influence of Lord Heseltine during the Cameron years are testament to this).
Further, the upper echelons of the Conservative party regard Eurosceptism as a useful electoral tool to pander to, whilst maintaining, clandestinely, that it is the vice of the intellectually less effete or, erroneously, as the hobby of the eccentric (John Redwood).
The lack of empirical support for the Conservative Party leading Britain out of Europe, is constantly outweighed by the inability of many of its supporters to distinguish between pandering to Euroscepticism by its leadership and the acts pursued by the leadership that lead in the opposite direction, for example Cameron’s three line whip against a referendum on Europe.
The three-line whip on a referendum was a clear signal of the reality of the Conservative leadership. I, for one, have always been perplexed why a matter so important as protecting national sovereignty from the EU should go to referendum at all- it is no different from the contrary position of trying to hold the abolition of democracy to a referendum.
What is of greater concern, shown by the treatment of Greece, is the inability of the modern Cameron Tories and their following to err on the side of vigilance when it comes to the EU. The impact on Greek legislative autonomy should send shivers down their, and all of our, spines.
International institutions can now bargain with the basic democratic rights of peoples against their own governments. This is democratic disenfranchisement using subtle methods of lending done surreptitiously on a mass scale through the medium of international institutions.
The EU now has so much power due to the Lisbon Treaty due to the range and depth of the increase competences that gives to the European Commission (the law-making body of the EU). The EU has the potential to set-up an unlimited number of quango styled governing institutions. This is to an ever greater regulatory cost to the British economy, and more importantly liberty and autonomy of individual action- that it should be a constant cause of concern to the governing members of the largest political party by membership of the UK.
That this is not done, favours the critic's adage of politics as being the rigid pursuit of self-interest over national concern. A criticism that must be fervently fought to be overturned by Conservative activists all over the country who must not put up with Cameron and his acolytes for the sake of power at the cost of democracy.
The only way forward for Britain is to be out of the EU, and away from the complicity in undermining other democracies. This is too important a matter to be left to referendum, and one that must be met by a positive leadership for withdrawal from the Tories.

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